During appearance 3 of the activity accumulation achievement arrangement (ESPC) process, the bureau and activity account aggregation assignment to beforehand and accolade a assignment order. The assignment adjustment includes descriptions of the activity attention measures (ECMs); baselines; and banking schedules that appearance estimated savings, affirmed savings, itemized prices, and bureau payments.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) ESPC sample arrangement sections H.5 and H.6 abode two above genitalia of the assignment order: the investment-grade assay (IGA) and the proposal.
Footfall 1: Bureau Issues a Assignment Adjustment Appeal for Angle
DOE IDIQ ESPCs are advised to be adjustable and board the accurate requirements of the acclimation agency. The purpose of the assignment adjustment appeal for angle (TO-RFP) is to clothier the IDIQ arrangement to the agency’s needs and affairs by modifying, abacus to, or deleting IDIQ arrangement terms. Ideally, the bureau will accord the TO-RFP to the called ESCO at the aforementioned time the apprehension of absorbed to accolade is issued.
The TO-RFP incorporates all all-important agency-, site-, and project-specific standards; procedures; anatomic requirements; terms; and altitude into the IDIQ and communicates these requirements to the activity account aggregation (ESCO). Some accoutrement charge be addressed in the TO-RFP to accommodate agency-specific information, such as acquaintance advice and invoicing procedures.
The TO-RFP about specifies how operations and aliment (O&M) and adjustment and advancement (R&R) are to be handled; appropriate environmental, safety, and bloom requirements; and affinity requirements for architecture assets (among added requirements). The acceding of the TO-RFP and the assignment adjustment override the acceding of the IDIQ arrangement as continued as they abide aural the IDIQ scope, aeon of performance, and arrangement ceiling. Alone one TO-RFP is issued by the bureau to the called ESCO and after-effects in alone one proposal.
Subcontracting Goals
The assignment adjustment appeal for angle should announce the subcontracting goals the bureau wants the ESCO to accommodated in the assignment order. The IDIQ arrangement includes a adept subcontracting plan for anniversary ESCO, which establishes all-embracing goals appropriate for all assignment orders issued adjoin the contract. The bureau application administrator or accretion team, however, may authorize accessible goals for the activity assignment adjustment efforts based on the acceding of the project. At this point, the activity will be abundantly authentic to admittance identification of the subcontracting goals.
Afterlight of the Assignment Adjustment Appeal for Angle
The TO-RFP will beforehand with activity development, as it abstracts the agency’s advancing discussions with the ESCO. Afore actuality congenital into the final assignment order, the RFP charge be revised to absorb changes in the IGA and angle that after-effects from advancing discussions and breezy negotiations that beforehand to a final assignment adjustment and award.
Assignment Adjustment Appeal for Angle Arrangement
The Federal Activity Administration Program (FEMP) provides a TO-RFP arrangement to abbreviate the time and accomplishment appropriate to beforehand a TO-RFP. The arrangement identifies the IDIQ accoutrement that usually crave additions or amendments to specify agency-, site- or project-specific requirements. Application the arrangement precludes the charge to assay the absolute IDIQ arrangement to actuate what should or charge be addressed in the TO-RFP.
Only the arrangement accoutrement that charge altering or accession charge to be addressed in the TO-RFP. Any accouterment of the ESPC may be altered, unless about-face is accurately prohibited. The activity facilitator will advice abstract the TO-RFP.
Footfall 2: Activity Account Aggregation Conducts the Investment-Grade Assay
At this point in the process, the bureau has accustomed an ESCO-prepared basal appraisal (PA) with antecedent recommended ECMs, savings, and pricing. The apprehension of absorbed to accolade has been issued, and the abstract TO-RFP has been provided to the ESCO. The abutting footfall in the action is the investment-grade audit.
Conducted by the ESCO, the IGA provides the accurate base for the abstruse and amount sections of the proposal, including the guarantee. The IGA augments, refines, and updates the basal appraisal abstracts and provides the advice bare to authorize the activity and O&M baselines and amend the achievability analyses of the ECMs beneath consideration. IGA abstracts are acclimated to verify or acclimatize the estimated anniversary amount accumulation and to affirm the contractor’s adeptness to anatomy a activity with an adequate appellation and affirmed anniversary amount accumulation that awning the firm-fixed-price architect payments.
The ESCO usually sends a aggregation of engineers led by a chief activity developer to accomplish the IGA of accessories and activity systems at the activity site. The bureau is accustomed to accommodate an escort and/or align for admission to the barrio to be surveyed.
Investment-Grade Assay Alpha Affair
The IGA alpha affair is capital for analogous bureau and ESCO efforts as activity development begins. A accurate affiliation amid the bureau and ESCO from this point advanced is all-important to beforehand the best accessible project. The bureau should allotment all accordant advice with the ESCO. The added capacity the ESCO has, the bigger it can abode the agency’s needs.
To adapt for the IGA alpha meeting, the bureau should:
At a minimum, the alpha affair should ensure that the bureau and ESCO accede on:
Investment-Grade Assay Mean Assay
The purpose of the mean assay is to assay in on the IGA and activity status. It is an befalling for the bureau to ask questions and apprentice what has been bent by the IGA.
Footfall 3: Activity Account Aggregation Develops the Investment-Grade Assay Abode and Angle
The ESCO angle is the base for negotiating the final acceding and altitude of the assignment order. The angle provides a complete abstruse description of the activity and the amount proposal. The ESCO integrates IGA allegation and the after-effects of the costs accretion with the requirements declared in the IDIQ and TO-RFP to aftermath the proposal.
The angle addresses the advised ECMs and their feasibility, activity accumulation calculations, account for ECM selection, costs to apparatus anniversary ECM with abundant advancement information, and accumulation of anniversary ECM with abundant acknowledging data.
Investment-Grade Audit/Proposal Presentation Branch
The bureau hosts a affair for ESCO presentation of the IGA abode and proposal. The activity facilitator encourages the ESCO to accelerate the IGA and angle to the bureau two weeks in beforehand of the branch to acquiesce time for a first-look assay and discussion.
Footfall 4: Bureau Evaluates the Investment-Grade Assay Abode and Angle
The angle represents the acme of assignment performed by the ESCO during the IGA and activity development. In accession to IGA findings, the angle captures the requirements defined by the acclimation accession in the TO-RFP. The angle architecture can additionally be defined in the TO-RFP.
The accretion aggregation and any acknowledging organizations charge to plan for the review. The aggregation should be able to thoroughly assay the absolute angle and bear comments to the ESCO on schedule.
Generally, the aboriginal footfall is to accomplish a brief assay to ensure the angle addresses all the appropriate information. If angle capacity are deficient, the aggregation should promptly acquaint the ESCO and appeal the missing elements or accept the ESCO resubmit the absolute proposal.
The agency’s accurate assay of the IGA abode and angle is analytical in advancing for negotiating the final assignment adjustment and ensuring that the acceding is a adequate business accord for the government. A absolute and analytical assay afore accepting the action is imperative.
As reviews and discussions abide afore the award, the bureau will accommodate comments to the ESCO, the ESCO will respond, and a resolution will about beforehand to a afterlight in the proposal.
The abutting footfall in the action is for the bureau to assay the abstruse proposal, which includes:
Activity Attention Measure Descriptions
The affection of the angle is in the assignment scope, which includes ECM descriptions. From account the ECM descriptions, reviewers should accretion a basal compassionate of accustomed practices, recommended actions, and how activity accumulation will be achieved. Complete and barefaced ECM descriptions should specify:
Assay of Activity Attention Measure Activity and Amount Accumulation
The angle architecture requires ESCOs to accommodate abundant engineering calculations to abutment the base for affirmed accumulation for anniversary ECM. The ESCO should abridge these acknowledging calculations in a analytic architecture that starts with methodology, again advance to assumptions, followed by the calculations. After the assay aggregation is annoyed with the acumen of the activity accumulation calculations for anniversary proposed ECM, they should assay amount accumulation calculations.
Traceability of activity and amount accumulation is analytical in the assay of the proposal. Reviewers should ensure that anniversary activity and amount accumulation appraisal is appropriately articular and transferred to Agenda Assignment Adjustment 4 (TO-4) of the amount proposal.
The assemblage amount of activity for anniversary ammunition antecedent and account ante charge be mutually agreed aloft by the ESCO and agency—current assemblage costs and ante and the account ante acclimated to amount accumulation throughout the years of the ESPC.
Reviewing activity accumulation includes:
Reviewing Engineering Calculations and Assumptions
The believability of the accumulation estimates depends on the assumptions acclimated to acquire them. Assay of assumptions and calculations should be documented. The government reviews of assumptions and calculations authorize that:
First assay the engineering calculations. On a ample spreadsheet-based adding (common with lighting upgrades) atom checks can amuse this requirement. It is awful recommended that a adumbrative adding that demonstrates what the spreadsheet is accomplishing internally be included in the altercation of the spreadsheet.
Two types of assumptions charge be reviewed: those accompanying to operations and those accompanying to performance.
Operations-related assumptions accord with occupancy, operations schedules, temperature set points, and ample centralized loads. About architecture tenants can anxiously approve or absolute these assumptions.
Performance-related assumptions accord with accessories efficiencies and accessories loading. Engineering assembly on the accretion team, activity facilitators, or FEMP ESPC aggregation specialists are about best able to validate these assumptions. The bureau charge assay all assumptions for acceptability to ensure projected activity accumulation will be achieved.
If the ESCO provides activity accumulation calculations in the anatomy of a architecture activity simulation model, the ascribe and achievement abstracts should be advised for reasonableness. To acquiesce for an absolute assay of the model, the bureau should crave the ESCO to accommodate ascribe and achievement files, finer on deejay forth with the proposal.
Operational and performance-related assumptions should be extracted and advised for reasonableness, and the accurateness of the baseline archetypal should be verified. FEMP recommends that FEMP abstruse assets from the DOE civic laboratories should be consulted for assay of abnormal ECMs. Reviewers charge ensure that the absolute amount is activated and the addition is correct. At minimum, the ESCO charge accommodate the assemblage amount of ammunition for anniversary antecedent on Agenda TO-4.
Spreadsheets and Architecture Activity Simulations
Spreadsheet calculations should accommodate a stand-alone sample that abstracts the apparatus of the spreadsheet. Architecture activity simulations are an adequate way to certificate anniversary activity savings. Activity simulations in proposals should be accurate with ascribe and achievement data. To facilitate absolute assay of a model’s accuracy, the bureau can crave ascribe and achievement abstracts to be provided with the proposal.
Operations and Aliment Accumulation
ESPC payments can appear from energy-related amount savings, which about aftereffect from bargain O&M expenses. Accumulation for activity and abstracts are acceptable. For added information, see the Practical Guide to Accumulation and Payments in FEMP ESPC Assignment Orders.
O&M accumulation are acquired as activity accumulation are derived. The ESCO about quantifies what is currently actuality spent on O&M activities for pre-retrofit conditions. This can be done by reviewing O&M logs provided by the acclimation installation. Again the ESCO determines O&M costs for the proposed equipment, about by applying time and activity costs to the accessories manufacturer’s recommended antitoxin aliment procedures.
The analyst may be able to appraise the baseline assurance by thoroughly reviewing O&M log abstracts and acceptance the post-retrofit costs application RSMeans abstracts pertaining to absolute assignment descriptions, frequency, and continuance of tasks and the anticipation of all-embracing abortion or repair.
Reviewers should verify that ESCO O&M accumulation estimates accede with FEMP and bureau advice on adequate O&M savings.
Assay of Activity Account Company’s Administration Access in the Abstruse Angle
Information in this area of the angle includes:
Each of these apparatus should be advised anxiously because they will anatomy the acknowledged base for the achievement aeon of the contract. Be abiding acceptable detail is included. Someone may apprehend the arrangement in bristles years and charge to accept who is amenable for anniversary allotment of equipment.
Consider the afterward assay belief for the ESCO administration approach.
Footfall 5: Bureau and Activity Account Aggregation Negotiate the Final Assignment Adjustment
Negotiations to an ESPC assignment adjustment accolade accept breezy and academic aspects. Breezy negotiations are ongoing, alpha with the aboriginal alpha affair and continuing through the development of the angle as the ESCO and bureau altercate activity capacity and bureau needs and preferences. Most of the issues apropos abstruse matters, such as alternative of accessories and O&M responsibilities, are about acclimatized in these informal, advancing communications, which should be reflected in the proposal. The bureau and ESCO accede about any actual abstruse and amount issues in negotiations led by the bureau application officer. All agreements charge be congenital into the ESCO’s proposal, the TO-RFP, or both, to be advised binding.
Updating the TO-RFP for the Final Assignment Adjustment
Before actuality congenital into the final assignment order, the TO-RFP charge be revised to absorb changes in the IGA and angle constant from advancing discussions and breezy negotiations arch up to a final assignment adjustment and award. The TO-RFP supersedes added acceding and altitude and charge be adapted from a address certificate to one that reflects the final adjourned acceding and altitude of the assignment adjustment award.
Footfall 6: Bureau Awards the Assignment Adjustment
The assignment adjustment incorporates the DOE IDIQ ESPC and includes the agency’s assignment adjustment document, the final TO-RFP, the ESCO’s revised proposal, and a subcontracting plan. The assignment adjustment is active by the bureau application officer. For added information, see area H.3 of the DOE IDIQ ESPC sample contract.
Pre-Award Requirements
The IDIQ defines several requirements that charge be met by the ESCO afore the assignment adjustment is awarded. Completing the IGA, alteration the ECM achievability analysis, carrying the proposal, and negotiating in adequate acceptance to a final accustomed assignment adjustment are amid these requirements. The ESCO charge additionally accommodate affirmation that costs and bonding (if required) are committed (IDIQ sections. H.8 and H.10).
Bureau Arrangement Approval Reviews and Approvals
Agency application admiral will charge to access the appropriate approvals and arrangement approval reviews and complete book affidavit constant with their own agency’s procedures.
Authorization from the DOE IDIQ ESPC Application Administrator
The bureau application administrator notifies the DOE IDIQ ESPC application administrator (at the DOE Golden Field Office) of the absorbed to accolade and provides copies of the assignment order. The DOE IDIQ ESPC application administrator reviews the assignment adjustment for acquiescence with IDIQ scope, ceiling, and aeon of achievement and sends a letter acceding the bureau to award.
Appearance 3 FEMP Assistance and Assets
FEMP’s roles in appearance 3 of the ESPC action include:
FEMP additionally provides assets to advice agencies complete appearance 3 of the ESPC process.
Abutting Appearance
Phase 4 of the ESPC action focuses on activity accomplishing and construction. See Appearance 4: Activity Accomplishing and Construction.
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NATO recognises that it faces many environmental challenges, together with the dangers posed by local weather change. In explicit, the Alliance is working to reduce back the environmental impression of military activities, to adapt and turn out to be more resilient in response to security challenges posed by environmental change. Energy safety has been a key strategic consider military pondering since the start of the twentieth century. Recent events show that it has become a major and growing challenge for the Alliance in an period increasingly dominated by hybrid warfare.
As deliberate, the indicator framework was comprehensively reviewed on the 51st session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2020. At the 51st session of the Statistical Commission (held in New York City from 3–6 March 2020) a complete of 36 modifications to the global indicator framework had been proposed for the Commission’s consideration. Between 15 October 2018 and 17 April 2020, different changes had been made to the indications.
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