Objectives: To analyze patterns of psychiatric assay and readmission aural 30 canicule for Medicaid amplification (expansion) vs ahead insured (legacy) samples.
Study Design: Attendant assay application Medicaid behavioral bloom account claims.
Methods: We articular 24,044 individuals with hospitalizations in agenda years 2017 and 2018 aural the arrangement of a behavioral bloom managed affliction alignment in Pennsylvania. Logistic corruption was acclimated to appraise factors associated with readmission.
Results: Individuals covered beneath amplification (n = 7747) vs bequest (n = 16,297) were earlier and added acceptable to be macho and European American, with college ante of cooccurring brainy bloom (MH) and actuality use ataxia (SUD) diagnoses, as able-bodied as lower ante of MH and SUD casework in the 30 canicule above-mentioned and any above-mentioned MH hospitalization. A college admeasurement of individuals with amplification vs bequest cachet were readmitted (11.3% vs 9.0%; P < .0001). Authoritative for factors associated with readmission, corruption showed an added likelihood of readmission for amplification vs bequest cachet (adjusted allowance arrangement [AOR], 1.23; 95% CI, 1.12-1.35; P < .0001). Added accident for readmission was additionally begin above populations for macho patients (AOR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.02-1.22; P = .0124), those with above-mentioned MH hospitalizations (AOR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.51-1.81; P < .0001) or added behavioral bloom casework (AOR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.03-1.26; P = .0142), those with best assay episodes (AOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00-1.01; P < .0001), and those with cooccurring SUD (AOR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.44-1.74; P < .0001).
Conclusions: Individuals with advantage through Medicaid amplification compared with bequest advantage accept an added accident of psychiatric readmission and may accreditation targeted interventions that additionally abode account appliance and cooccurring SUD.
Am J Manag Care. 2021;27(11):488-492. https://doi.org/10.37765/ajmc.2021.88776
Takeaway Points
Six years afterwards achievement of Medicaid amplification in Pennsylvania, little is accepted about psychiatric assay and readmission beneath Medicaid expansion.
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Affliction Act (ACA),1 accommodation for allowance advantage through Medicaid, a federal and accompaniment affairs that subsidizes bloom affliction costs and facilitates casework for individuals with bound assets and resources, was broadcast in some states alpha in 2014 to affiliation with incomes beneath 138% of the federal abjection level. A asymmetric cardinal of the ahead uninsured were accepted to accept abiding brainy bloom (MH) and actuality use disorders (SUDs)2 because these individuals may accept had beneath earnings, could not allow bartering insurance, or had been denied advantage beneath affairs based on preexisting conditions.3 Individuals with advantage beneath Medicaid amplification (expansion) compared with individuals ahead insured (legacy) are beneath acceptable to be caregivers of boyish accouchement and added acceptable to be male,4-7 older,4-5,7 and European American.4,5 In accession to accouterment bare allowances to individuals with MH altitude and SUDs,2 accoutrement from the ACA including Medicaid amplification accept been associated with bargain ancestral and socioeconomic disparities in bloom affliction and bigger bloom affliction quality.8-12
As apparent by appliance data, acceptance to physical4 and behavioral bloom services,6,7 which accommodate MH and SUD services, has apparent antecedent surges beneath amplification policy. Studies of the antecedent appulse of the action change consistently acquisition above increases in behavioral bloom account appliance ante in states with Medicaid amplification vs states afterwards expansion.5,13,14 For example, greater increases in appliance ante of methadone,13,14 SUD outpatient services, and injectable naltrexone accept been appear in Medicaid amplification states.13
A acceptable continuum of affliction for psychiatric bloom disorders includes assurance in ambulatory, community-based care, which can abode both brainy affliction and actuality use through evidence-based convenance afterwards the aerial amount and akin settings of psychiatric inpatient services.15 Assay is associated with added ante of homelessness, suicide risk, poor affection of life, and hospital readmission.16,17 In the absence of bond to community-based care, Medicaid amplification could be associated with aerial appliance of psychiatric assay amid individuals alien with behavioral bloom account options. Individuals adjourned through Medicaid programs accept been apparent to accept college readmissions compared with abreast insured or uninsured individuals.18 A bigger compassionate of appliance of community-based and astute levels of affliction in amplification vs bequest populations could advice advance deployment of affliction administration assets for these populations.
In Pennsylvania (the abstraction state), Medicaid was broadcast in 2015.19 Ante of uninsured accept steadily decreased—9.6% in 2014 to 5.6% in 2016 and 5.5% in 2017 and 2018—due to added Medicaid coverage.20 In Pennsylvania, behavioral bloom casework for Medicaid-eligible adults in 41 of 67 counties accept been facilitated through Association Affliction Behavioral Bloom Alignment of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Allowance Casework Division, a not-for-profit behavioral bloom managed affliction alignment (BHMCO), back 1999. The BHMCO frequently monitors hospitalizations, ante of readmission, and adapted aftereffect to ambulant affliction as allotment of its National Committee for Affection Assurance Healthcare Effectiveness Abstracts and Advice Set reporting.
The purpose of the accepted abstraction was 2-fold: (1) to actuate whether psychiatric readmission ante differed amid individuals with amplification vs bequest cachet and (2) to appraise factors associated with readmission beneath Medicaid expansion. It was accepted that individuals with advantage beneath Medicaid amplification with behavioral bloom disorders would advance both inpatient and community-based affliction added generally than individuals beneath bequest advantage and that those with community-based affliction would accept lower inpatient readmission rates. These analyses were conducted to bigger accept appliance of astute affliction for anew enrolled individuals and to analyze action targets for affliction management.
The sample included Medicaid-enrolled individuals, age-old 14 to 64 years, aural the BHMCO arrangement with MH assay in agenda year (CY) 2017 or 2018. The aboriginal MH assay was acclimated for individuals with assorted hospitalizations in the abstraction aeon and was advised the basis hospitalization, with behavioral bloom account appliance advised above-mentioned to and 30 canicule afterward discharge. Evaluation activities were accustomed as affection advance by the UPMC Affection Assay Committee.
Study Design
A attendant accomplice architecture was activated to appraise the affiliation of Medicaid accommodation cachet with readmission. Accommodation groups were authentic from Medicaid authoritative abstracts provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Casework (DHS). Individuals had Medicaid accommodation with cachet captivated affiliated for the 30 canicule above-mentioned and 30 canicule afterward hospitalization; however, Medicaid accommodation and accommodation accumulation may accept assorted over the 3 years back Pennsylvania implemented the Medicaid amplification policy.
Sociodemographic characteristics. Sociodemographic variables included gender, race, ethnicity, and age, which were acquired from Medicaid authoritative abstracts provided by the Pennsylvania DHS.
Diagnoses. Diagnoses were acquired from the BHMCO’s paid account claims and categorized application Analytic and Statistical Manual of Brainy Disorders, Fifth Edition21 criteria. Each affirmation could accommodate assorted diagnoses, and individuals could be included in assorted analytic categories.
Readmission. Individuals were articular as accepting a readmission if a paid affirmation for an MH assay occurred aural 30 canicule of acquittal from the basis hospitalization. The amount of readmission was called as the primary aftereffect variable.
Behavioral bloom casework 30 canicule prior. Above-mentioned account appliance was acquired from the BHMCO’s paid account claims and was authentic as at atomic 1 paid affirmation for an MH or SUD account not including inpatient MH or SUD account in the 30 canicule afore the basis hospitalization.
Prior MH hospitalization. Above-mentioned assay was authentic as at atomic 1 paid affirmation for an inpatient MH account at any time afore the basis hospitalization.
Statistical Analysis
Characteristics of individuals during the abstraction aeon were compared application Wilcoxon tests for medians and Pearson χ2 tests. Logistic corruption advised the affiliation of Medicaid accommodation cachet and allowance of 30-day readmission adapted for factors begin to be associated with readmission in univariate analyses. The Hosmer-Lemeshow assay accomplishment was activated as a goodness-of-fit test; a nonsignificant aftereffect provides affirmation that the archetypal fits the abstracts appropriately, admitting cogent likelihood ratio, score, and Wald tests announce that the archetypal with covariates is added adapted than the absent (intercept only) model.22,23 The Cox and Snell R2, Nagelkerke R2,24,25 and C accomplishment admeasurement of affiliation were adjourned to actuate the amount to which predicted probabilities agreed with outcomes. After-effects with P ethics beneath than .05 were advised significant. Analyses were performed application SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute).
We articular the aboriginal MH assay during the abstraction aeon for 24,044 individuals: 7747 amplification and 16,297 bequest cachet (Table 1). Amplification individuals with assay were earlier compared with bequest individuals (median age, 35 vs 24 years, respectively; P < .0001) and were added acceptable to be macho (57.7% vs 44.0%; P < .0001) and European American (79.1% vs 74.5%; P < .0001) but commensurable in ante of non-Hispanic ethnicity (95.8% vs 95.7%). Amplification individuals had lower ante of behavioral bloom account 30 canicule above-mentioned (70.0% vs 76.7%; P < .0001) and above-mentioned MH assay (42.2% vs 50.4%; P < .0001) and beneath lengths of break for the basis assay (median, 6 vs 7 days; P < .0001) compared with bequest individuals. For the frequently appear diagnoses (> 10% of the population), amplification individuals, compared with bequest individuals, had decidedly lower ante of all-overs (32.4% vs 39.3%; P < .0001), schizophrenia (17.2% vs 23.9%; P < .0001), conduct ataxia (5.5% vs 21.0%; P < .0001), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity ataxia (4.4% vs 18.6%; P < .0001); they had college ante of above depressive ataxia (64.0% vs 59.2%; P < .0001) and bipolar ataxia (37.6% vs 33.8%; P < .0001). Ante of cooccurring MH and SUD diagnoses were college in amplification vs bequest individuals (54.0% vs 30.2%; P < .0001).
Medicaid Accommodation and Readmission
The readmission amount for all individuals was 9.7%; the amount was college in amplification vs bequest individuals (11.3% vs 9.0%; P < .0001). A college admeasurement of those with readmission vs no readmission were macho (53.3% vs 47.9%; P < .0001) and amplification cachet (37.5% vs 31.7%; P < .0001), and those with readmission had college ante of cooccurring MH and SUD diagnoses (51.5% vs 36.4%; P < .0001). Individuals with a readmission vs no readmission had best lengths of break for the basis assay in the hospital (median [interquartile range], 8 [5-13] canicule vs 7 [4-10] days; P < .0001) and had college ante of above-mentioned MH assay (61.6% vs 46.2%; P < .0001) and behavioral bloom account 30 canicule above-mentioned (77.1% vs 74.3%; P = .0027). There were no differences amid readmitted and nonreadmitted groups for age, race, or ethnicity (eAppendix Table [available at ajmc.com]).
After authoritative for covariates, after-effects from logistic corruption in Table 2 appearance an added likelihood of readmission for those with amplification cachet (adjusted allowance arrangement [AOR], 1.23; 95% CI, 1.12-1.35; P < .0001), as able-bodied as for those with above-mentioned MH assay (AOR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.51-1.81; P < .0001), behavioral bloom account 30 days above-mentioned (AOR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.03-1.26; P = .0142), best lengths of break in the hospital (AOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00-1.01; P < .0001); macho patients (AOR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.02-1.22; P = .0127); and patients with cooccurring MH and SUD diagnoses (AOR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.44-1.74; P < .0001).
Our abstraction begin that individuals with amplification cachet had added allowance of MH readmission. It is important to agenda that this abstraction focused on individuals with MH assay to accept factors associated with inpatient assay and readmission. In adverse to our hypotheses, beneath individuals in the amplification accumulation activated behavioral bloom casework above-mentioned to the basis hospitalization. Lower ante of above-mentioned MH hospitalizations in amplification vs bequest individuals could be due to beneath time in the BHMCO’s Medicaid history. As for ambulant affliction anon above-mentioned to a hospitalization, there may be several affidavit for lower appliance of behavioral bloom services, including unmet bloom affliction need, poor continuum of affliction based on abridgement of ability of behavioral bloom account options, bloom affliction needs met through added services, or poor acceptance to affliction for affidavit added than allowance coverage. However, after-effects from this abstraction advance that alike 3 to 4 years above achievement of Medicaid expansion, anew insured individuals are not affiliated to adapted community-based services. For example, individuals beneath Medicaid amplification had college ante of cooccurring MH and SUD diagnoses, which may announce college affliction complication that would account from community-based intervention. Ante of assurance and assimilation in SUD casework are frequently low, abnormally amid Medicaid-enrolled individuals with psychiatric diagnoses,26 and this may accept afflicted readmission.
The allegation of the accepted abstraction advice to bigger accept the needs of individuals with Medicaid accommodation beneath amplification policy. Individuals acceptable for advantage beneath Medicaid amplification action showed beneath assurance in behavioral bloom casework above-mentioned to hospitalization, yet differences amid individuals with amplification vs bequest advantage highlight the charge to appoint anew insured individuals into behavioral bloom care. These after-effects may advice to bigger accept account charge beneath added altitude of added Medicaid coverage, such as times of bread-and-butter downturns, which accept been apparent to be associated with added ante of anxiety, depression, suicidality, and SUD.27 Similar to ahead appear studies, the accepted abstraction begin that individuals with casework beneath Medicaid amplification were added acceptable to be older, male, and European American,4-7 and these characteristics forth with allowance history should be advised back generalizing after-effects for account appliance for individuals with Medicaid advantage during times of accelerated expansion. After-effects from the corruption archetypal advance the charge to assignment with SUD and astute account providers to advance affection and continuum of affliction for populations with aerial accident of inpatient appliance and readmission.
Utilization of behavioral bloom account 30 canicule above-mentioned to basis assay and above-mentioned MH assay were associated with readmission in this study’s corruption model. As with cooccurring MH and SUD diagnoses, appliance of ambulant and astute affliction by some individuals above-mentioned to the basis assay may announce severity of illness, which may accept been associated with readmission. Abstraction allegation accede the adversity in actuality able to accurately analyze bloom affliction charge and added determinants that may affect an individual’s affection of bloom affliction above their allowance coverage. The BHMCO currently utilizes a affliction administration action for individuals at college accident for inpatient readmission, which has been begin to be able in populations with cooccurring MH and SUD diagnoses.28,29 Additional assay is bare to accept how this affliction administration action may be afflicted by Medicaid expansion.
There are several limitations to accede in the estimation of allegation of the accepted study. The use of the 30-day readmission time anatomy to investigate readmission was called to appraise adjacent outcomes. This time anatomy is limiting, and after-effects may not be cogitating of longer-term patterns of hospitalizations6 or generalize to populations alfresco of Pennsylvania, which has a able-bodied continuum of MH and SUD services. Claims abstracts do not reflect affection of affliction or authentic diagnosing. Added allowance of readmission, and appropriately college appliance of MH hospitalization, could be due to corruption to the beggarly because of lower ante of above-mentioned MH assay in the amplification group. Improving allowance advantage may not advance acceptance to best practices in analytic care. Claims abstracts are limited, and so the authors were bound in factors and analytic advice that could be advised in the accepted model.
The accepted allegation accept implications for allowance anew enrolled individuals with behavioral bloom altitude cross the behavioral bloom arrangement and point to the charge to appoint individuals into ambulatory, community-based MH and SUD services. Convenance and action may account from added abstraction of the relationships amid affliction access, an individual’s action to appoint in care, and appulse of interventions to advance account appliance for individuals at college accident for hospitalization.
The authors ambition to acknowledge Amanda Maise, MSPH, of Association Affliction Behavioral Bloom Organization, Pittsburgh, PA, as able-bodied as agents from Advocates for Human Potential, Sunbury, MA, and the UPMC Center for High-Value Bloom Care, Pittsburgh, PA, for assay of this manuscript.
Author Affiliations: Association Affliction Behavioral Bloom Organization, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Allowance Casework Division (SLH, IOK, ADH, DSW, MOH, JMS), Pittsburgh, PA.
Source of Funding: None.
Author Disclosures: The authors address no accord or banking absorption with any commodity that would affectation a battle of absorption with the accountable amount of this article.
Authorship Information: Concept and architecture (SLH, IOK, ADH, DSW); assay and estimation of abstracts (SLH, IOK, ADH, MOH, JMS); drafting of the arrangement (SLH, ADH, JMS); analytical afterlight of the arrangement for important bookish agreeable (SLH, ADH, DSW, MOH, JMS); statistical assay (IOK); administrative, technical, or logistic abutment (SLH, ADH); and administration (DSW, MOH).
Address Correspondence to: Shari L. Hutchison, MS, PMP, Association Affliction Behavioral Bloom Organization, UPMC Allowance Casework Division, 339 Sixth Ave, Ste 1300, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Email: [email protected].
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